Journey Into The HNG Internship,

Journey Into The HNG Internship,


3 min read

It's really surprising that I just found out about the HNG internship last year during a casual conversation with a colleague. I was surprised that such a program had been running for years and I just got to know about it. I quickly searched online and saw that it had been concluded for the year. I took it upon myself to apply for this year's own. Immediately the applications were opened, I applied and have resumed the first stage of this internship. Reading through past interns' experiences, I got to know that it's one hell of a rigorous journey. As a self-taught developer, I couldn't have been happier to be part of.

I believe we're going to be making use of Figma, Git, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. For those who'll also be participating in this program with no knowledge of Figma, here I've explained how to get started with it.

Figma Tutorial First is to set up your Figma account: getting started in Figma is as simple as going to, clicking “Sign up”, and entering your details. Once you’ve done that, Figma will open up with a start screen like this. Click on “New File” and get started. here's a link with well detailed explanation on how to use Figma:

Git Tutorial Create a "repository" (project) with a git hosting tool (like Github) Copy (or clone) the repository to your local machine Add a file to your local repo and "commit" (save) the changes "Push" your changes to your main branch Make a change to your file with a git hosting tool and commit "Pull" the changes to your local machine Create a "branch" (version), make a change, commit the change Open a "pull request" (propose changes to the main branch) "Merge" your branch to the main branch

HTML Tutorial HTML stands for HyperText Markup Language. The first web pages were released in 1990 and the pages were only used for presentation. Today the web is a very important piece of our daily lives. You may use many different web browsers to look at web pages, like Google Chrome, Opera, Internet Explorer and Firefox. Here's a link to a more comprehensive tutorial:

I have yet to get my first task but I have been honing my skills so as to be heavily prepared for what lies ahead. I really hope to go from being a beginner developer to an intermediate developer at the end of the 8 weeks. I am a Front End developer and I wish to improve my skills in javascript, React, and Next.js. I also want to network and meet other developers like myself, especially self-taught developers.

I'm really excited about what lies ahead and would seriously recommend any developer or designer to apply and join the program. Applications are still open and you can enroll with this link: or